Hi Guysssss Started missing our oldschool server , any of my old friends still here?
Hey im glad to see again old nicknames here i remember i posted in vietnam forum and talked with one of your friends.
well man since the merge with russian proyect all players from here piecemeal leaved . as i know only 3 or 4 still.
since the merge i was sending players to the ru proyect why ? only for the players that want more population , more eng speakers ... +55 players in last 14 days. +400 players since merge ru admin giveme thanks baning almost all donators and sompsor accounts
since he added strong donation system , allowning bots , and other thinks im thinking about reopen.
maybe i will reopen in 2013 with c3 client auto soulshot and keeping old characters.
C1 is fine for us. I think its better to check out problems with database rather than change it to C3. Like mobs in Antharas Lair drop main materials for A gears Those features such as auto pick up or open world map by pressing M should also be thought of
C1 is fine for us. I think its better to check out problems with database rather than change it to C3. Like mobs in Antharas Lair drop main materials for A gears Those features such as auto pick up or open world map by pressing M should also be thought of