I cant determine exactly cause of online decrease do not listen people who say is my fault because i just tryed wake up this plus was not posible.
Setup of server
1)we had setup of middle rates that on start worked well but not so on long-term.
2)Fin one server machine and setup all in 1 week only was a real challenge

Also other C1 stuff get us with "Low guard"
1)Many C1 class are incomplete and totally unusefull. forcing me to add more skills to them [information]
2)Some skills work so diferent on c1 causing balance and overpower of some class. forcing me to change 2 or 3 skills only (Many boicot for this acction)
-Critical hit rate: Ramdon system seems to work different so critical % is diferent too
-sleep: so slow cast time , and almost 80% of sucess also practically ignores enemy M.defend
-Cancel: so short cast time , reuse , remove all buffs
-Mortal blow skills: sucess depend of critical hit rate. almost 90-80% of sucess causing overpower class
-Some "profesional-Buthurt-Lardass" players like play with x3 dualbox + making his character GOD-MODE (thats why i added AA buffs)
-58 skills with max level 75 do not work well. forcing me to add 58 + skills
-Some C1+ skills do not work well on C1 pack. forcing me to change back
-We didnt know that many features of C1 was only a prelude to later chronicles
Now we know they correct way and have more experience about how C1 will sucess and should be
So probably changes:
Max level 60 (C1 like) max skills 58 (retail)
Rates probably x2 or x4 max
Quest rates x8 or x15
No npc buffer - Dualbox restriction
Quest added by smeli will keep.
Skills to weak class like: Temple knight , and so on
# What now Madocter ? #
1) Meanwhile we setup and test C1 server we will swich it to PVP/TEST mode temporally [Information]
2) Characters will be wiped. Many people could not like this but think what lvl 70 + with B items character will do on a X2 low rate ? Also almost nobody of old player connect now most of people are under level 40 and they even like the idea of a Wipe
3) Donators. Many donator stuff will be removed or changed. But old donators could get equally rewards again
(Wipe do not mean that a poor guy who supported us should loose stuff)
4) Players who did damage or Boicot will not be able to play again.
The end of worlds is necesary !!
if not Dinosaurs Apocalipse humans never could stay on earth . also think how can a human fight vs dinosaur
one day our real life world could be wiped too asume it
I hope still count with who support this and no more unecesary boicot to me. Any good idea will be welcome
# Reopening Process #
0) Make Setup of serverpack V
1) Make new client patch V
2) Open a beta period to test: skills , quests , Etc V
Beta Period Opened 07 - 06 - 2013
3) Website: Add Database online . Improve main portal. X
4) Forum: Add Last post addon . Add Last images + random addon. Add chat X
5) Get Module client & server extra protection + Dualbox control options In process...
6) 1 week advertise proyect. V
Opening 21.06.2013
Server Setup
Rates Exp X2 SP X2
Rates Adena X2
Rates Drop X3
Rates Spoil X5 Max rate 80%
#Herbs event
#Medals event and the rest of Official ones
Quest Rates:
drop rate 3x
adena 3x one time quests
adena 3x repeated quests
exp reward One time quest = 8x Repeated = 4x
sp reward 2x
adena reward 2x repeated Wishing Potion Quest
coin reward 2x repeated Magic Coin Quest