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Wipe + Pure C1 [Reopening]

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Poll: Configuration (97 member(s) have cast votes)

Rates & Max level

  1. Rates X2 - Max level 60 (82 votes [84.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 84.54%

  2. Rates X4 - Max level 75 (15 votes [15.46%])

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#1 Lineage2C1-Staff



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 01:03 PM

Hi all, in the past had 150 Top online plus average of 70 - 90
I cant determine exactly cause of online decrease do not listen people who say is my fault because i just tryed wake up this plus was not posible.


Setup of server
1)we had setup of middle rates that on start worked well but not so on long-term.
2)Fin one server machine and setup all in 1 week only was a real challenge smile.gif L2Off require so specific hardware / sofware

Also other C1 stuff get us with "Low guard"
1)Many C1 class are incomplete and totally unusefull. forcing me to add more skills to them [information]
2)Some skills work so diferent on c1 causing balance and overpower of some class. forcing me to change 2 or 3 skills only (Many boicot for this acction)

-Critical hit rate: Ramdon system seems to work different so critical % is diferent too
-sleep: so slow cast time , and almost 80% of sucess also practically ignores enemy M.defend
-Cancel: so short cast time , reuse , remove all buffs
-Mortal blow skills: sucess depend of critical hit rate. almost 90-80% of sucess causing overpower class
-Some "profesional-Buthurt-Lardass" players like play with x3 dualbox + making his character GOD-MODE (thats why i added AA buffs)
-58 skills with max level 75 do not work well. forcing me to add 58 + skills
-Some C1+ skills do not work well on C1 pack. forcing me to change back
-We didnt know that many features of C1 was only a prelude to later chronicles


Now we know they correct way and have more experience about how C1 will sucess and should be

So probably changes:
Max level 60 (C1 like) max skills 58 (retail)
Rates probably x2 or x4 max
Quest rates x8 or x15
No npc buffer - Dualbox restriction

Quest added by smeli will keep.
Skills to weak class like: Temple knight , and so on

# What now Madocter ? #

1) Meanwhile we setup and test C1 server we will swich it to PVP/TEST mode temporally [Information]
2) Characters will be wiped. Many people could not like this but think what lvl 70 + with B items character will do on a X2 low rate ? Also almost nobody of old player connect now most of people are under level 40 and they even like the idea of a Wipe
3) Donators. Many donator stuff will be removed or changed. But old donators could get equally rewards again
(Wipe do not mean that a poor guy who supported us should loose stuff)
4) Players who did damage or Boicot will not be able to play again.

The end of worlds is necesary !!
if not Dinosaurs Apocalipse humans never could stay on earth . also think how can a human fight vs dinosaur
one day our real life world could be wiped too asume it

I hope still count with who support this and no more unecesary boicot to me. Any good idea will be welcome

# Reopening Process #

0) Make Setup of serverpack V
1) Make new client patch V
2) Open a beta period to test: skills , quests , Etc V
Beta Period Opened 07 - 06 - 2013

3) Website: Add Database online . Improve main portal. X
4) Forum: Add Last post addon . Add Last images + random addon. Add chat X

5) Get Module client & server extra protection + Dualbox control options In process...
6) 1 week advertise proyect. V

Opening 21.06.2013

Server Setup

Rates Exp X2 SP X2
Rates Adena X2
Rates Drop X3
Rates Spoil X5 Max rate 80%
#Herbs event
#Medals event and the rest of Official ones

Quest Rates:
drop rate 3x
adena 3x one time quests
adena 3x repeated quests
exp reward One time quest = 8x Repeated = 4x
sp reward 2x
adena reward 2x repeated Wishing Potion Quest
coin reward 2x repeated Magic Coin Quest
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#2 EndRieL



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 01:42 PM

+1 for wipe!
Not because i am a new player but because many things must change.
I've been playing as mage tried both human and elven and i would like to mention some things:

spells like "surrender to.... water/fire/etc..." have very slow casting rate, long cooldown and very very short range, this should change back to normal.
Sleep has also very slow casting rate and a long cooldown. His success rate on c1 is pretty high, Root as well, mdef can give you a bit of resistance but not that much.
Spells like Cancel, wind shackle, curse: power etc etc must be remade to normal, fast cooldown, fast casts , yes cancel removes every single buff till c5, so its ok, it always did biggrin.gif

i dont know why but for now all spells are like.. uhh wth.. even en elf with super fast cast. speed cast them like a turtle... its totally unplayable.

Also i would propose to remove npc buffer, has no sense, people that would like to raise a buffer/healer as main character will never appear. Or at least remove non c1 buffs, like advance block and vampiric rage! Otherwise just add wild magic, mages need some love too you know, they are already too nerfed the way they are now!

Let dualbox exist, its normal just limit it at 1-2 window extra would be fair, and anyway if the server is going at x2/x4 its gonna be a pain in ass to raise a buffbot.

One more thing, i noticed that spell Hydroblast of spellsingers has the same visual effect from C4 and later, can we replace it with the old one? from c1? its kinda nostalgic as it should be xD

I dont know about the rest of the skills, also plz remove all those "tattoos" that provide resistance against daggers.. seriously dont nerf classes... we need to play c1, not a Lineage that you like.. Its the only c1 server online atm so please keep it clean and correct plz.

+1 for wipe and please let us know when will the fresh server be up again smile.gif
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#3 tronador


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 06:07 PM

QUOTE (Lineage2C1-Staff @ Jun 4 2013, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So probably changes:

Rates probably x2 or x4 max
No npc buffer - Dualbox restriction

Quest added by smeli will keep.
Skills to weak class like: Temple knight , and so on

I hope still count with who support this and no more unecesary boicot to me. Any good idea will be welcome

Hello Gm, I just recently joined your server (actually i'm lvl22 assassin) and loved the extra help of npc buffer thought I could only used it on gludin and gludio because it doesn't work on dark elves village.
I don't want the npc removed (Please hope you understand -like other users- it's just a suggestion to make server enjoyable not to "boicot" you, and it's not cool that the Gm called players "newbies" 'cause they don't agree with ideas -you will always have the final desition and know how balanced classes are-), if that's not possible would like to consider these two possibilities: 1- Only basic buffs (wind walk, bless body, acumen, haste) or 2-All buffs and Npc available only to max lvl40.
Finally I would like to play test pvp server (able for 1 day and then the re-opening), to view the results of final classes changes and choose the more suitable class to my gameplay.
If it's planned to get rates down, best option is x5 -not too low or too high- and max lvl60
Cheers from Argentina,
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#4 soulhunter



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 06:13 PM

OMG WIPE... -10
DUALBOX restriction -10


im spend much time here....

but if u make this and its function well i can forget all the -10

and give u a +100

low rates with more ppl is needed..

Playing with archer (buff-dances-song) is borred anyway....

when will this happen?

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#5 Yeah



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 07:18 PM

You think a private server with low population , no dualbox and no NPC buffs can survive like L2 official ? That sounds very crazy !
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#6 rio



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 09:10 PM

and when the new changes will appear? ^^
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#7 MAN-biker


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 10:01 PM

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#8 Maya Reinhartz

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 10:16 PM

QUOTE (Yeah @ Jun 4 2013, 09:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You think a private server with low population , no dualbox and no NPC buffs can survive like L2 official ? That sounds very crazy !

That's why this server depends so much on us.

There's no server like this, it just needs the right community and advertising sad.gif
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#9 Lineage2C1-Staff



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 10:29 PM

QUOTE (MAN-biker @ Jun 5 2013, 12:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Not any fail smile.gif man recently online decreased. low rates can work ! here camed many players interested on low rate

*And that is how he thanks me the script i shared to him. foreveralone.png

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#10 aquilonian


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:00 PM

I dont know anything, I just kill things, when will the mobs be back? I liked killing them. X2 is damn good exp. No NPC buffer. I like to suffer.

P.S. Thanks for the update
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#11 aquilonian


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:00 PM

double post sorry

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#12 Lineage2C1-Staff



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:29 PM

QUOTE (aquilonian @ Jun 5 2013, 01:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I dont know anything, I just kill things, when will the mobs be back? I liked killing them. X2 is damn good exp. No NPC buffer. I like to suffer.

P.S. Thanks for the update

ATM server is on Test - PVP mode meanwhile we setup new world just use scape or unstuck skill to respaw

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#13 EndRieL



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:33 PM

We are talking about the ONLY c1 server around. OFC rates MUST be low, since max lvl skills is at 58~ lvl. And ofc npc buffer should not exist and not any other modification. You know why? Because people that wanna join a C1 server are only the people that have played C1 before like me and wanna feel this on a decent level. We wanna play as we used to play back at C1, not at a x8 server where in 1 week and a half i am max lvl on 3 chars and i am SOLO farming my armor/weapon.

wipe wipe wipe and remove any modifications! We want a crystal clear Pure c1 chronicle!!!
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#14 Worrent



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Posted 05 June 2013 - 12:45 AM

I'm for a wipe but mainly because i just started here but i think the dual boxing should be restricted to 2 per computer, max 3 accounts! you dont need an entire train of chars following your main.
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#15 Eliina


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 01:18 AM

I support the pure c1 w/ low rates just like it used to be smile.gif
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#16 xsi


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 08:31 AM

Please do not forget to make a good ADVERTISEMENT.

ADVERTISEMENT before wipe. Because it is a new server.

For it's a chance to start again. All people like new servers. If it would be new, C1 low rates soo... And take your time. Wait for a couple of months. With potential starting online 400-500 you will be established the next couple of years further.

Make last chance for players to enjoy their game and wait for the new server. Don't hurry! It's very important as you understand. It's your decision to make new server. WIPE = new server. New rates also say it as well as many novelties (comparing to this one). Yes I think so, and its true.


Let all possible people know about it. Put it to different language sites - as you perfectly have different (populated!!) language zones in it... People in their regions will clone.

Such C1 would be unique. So ppl would copypaste to their video/other regions in their mother tongue.

Put a lot of hard nostalgy in every short language ad. Search people talking (as I see in their sighs for old times), put ads there. Sort google results by time and last forums "lineage c1" treads will read thousands of oldschool players!

Why do (we're lots and poorly a few of us - altogether):

lemme begin from a little afar:

There is already a great deal of ready people with ready ads over the Net about C1. It exit, almost all people know about that it will be possible to find opening C1 themselves in search engine. So let them just not. Don't overwhelm your ad with much info.
Put C1 C1 C1 C1 ... everywhere... (Picture.. may be a short movie) a few text 5-10 point ..mb some more. Every point must be well-defined and linked to video & pictures.

NEXT: You should make serious awards on your old working server (you could even make in PVP). Or make beta-PVP and put awards.. as you with - FOR ADVERTISING A NEW PURELY WIPED SERVER. It would be from the very beginning. State on creativity (mb someone would want to make own ad on upcoming x2 server.. the more the online - the severe rates are gama-market revivel, castles top const mage packs, live buffs.. all grow faster). And of course put your good advertisement to ready-form-post.. to their communities.

Some of players play on both new server and could drain ppl from there (pure confronting two servers - NEW OPENED SERVERS always win ))
why should you bother
Real situation: C1 in any case could not be such as in old times (though do make ppl think IT WOULD). Simple explanation:

Once Lineage was first and newly
Anyone didn't bother just went in to official server kindly
It was exciting, wonderful, unknown, no DB, no disparity.
People intuitively new if a newly thing -> THEN it would be stable for some time. All payed 15 dollars. All were equal. And noone thought of it STILL! Then new updates attracted more ppl C2.. etc

NOW: Today ppl demand they demand severely and every point. 10-year-old bases. You see.. both servers underwent trolls pure attaks. And it would be so.

Only not so many people know/remember / even, REALISE what non-new chronicles are. But their new firstly-engraved impressions are for the most part of official servers LATEST chronicles experience. So it's just their first impressions.

YES, again lots of lots of people know about C1 remember.. but not so many. Not compared to firstly appeared revolutinous game! let me guess maximum 10k ppl wish to play Lineage C1 (c3 as an non-exiting option.. don't matter...!). 10k is the FINAL FRONTIER LIMIT. Its not millions ppl as in the past. Besides ppl know almost every game aspect and could compare c1-c18 as always.

so.. let me take realistic 3k of potential wishing to play ppl in English tongue world: If we take

ONE THOUSAND PPL - > it is 50-100 maximum online (10-20 every evening's online with couple traders). etc etc etc..
all Lineage-knowing ppl are elder-aged would search almost momentarily their desired C1. 10k of about of potential clients is reachable market share. Just let them know.
Playable online 500k is possible from 10k potential.

1000k of live ppl is unreal so forget forget forget....

500k is in perspective to aspire. It would be a good playing oldschool server. And oldschool pictures from the start would revive old memories alive.
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#17 xiangu



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Posted 05 June 2013 - 01:52 PM

voted for x2, really good news about c1 pure, 1 thing confused me - custom weaked or powered classes(please let them be Chronicle 1 like, without any skills added or removed)

Also about donating, premium account will be nice like ~*$/month/week/day featured with x2 rates and mby some aditional features.
Do not add scrolls and weapons, armors etc gear.

No ss and marks selling ingame via NPC.

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#18 Eliina


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 03:33 PM

^^^^ what he said smile.gif

No shots (aside from ng ones) and MUST do the quests biggrin.gif
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#19 Rocknrolla



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Posted 05 June 2013 - 04:57 PM

QUOTE (EndRieL @ Jun 5 2013, 01:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are talking about the ONLY c1 server around. OFC rates MUST be low, since max lvl skills is at 58~ lvl. And ofc npc buffer should not exist and not any other modification. You know why? Because people that wanna join a C1 server are only the people that have played C1 before like me and wanna feel this on a decent level. We wanna play as we used to play back at C1, not at a x8 server where in 1 week and a half i am max lvl on 3 chars and i am SOLO farming my armor/weapon.

wipe wipe wipe and remove any modifications! We want a crystal clear Pure c1 chronicle!!!

Could not agree more with you!

I think the main reason for people to play (or even search for) a C1 Lineage 2 server is because of the nostalgic feeling.
Our hearts ache for a time (+-10 years ago) not so much a well balanced game or anything.
We want to experience what we have experienced before when it was C1 on retail, with all it's pros and cons.
THAT is exactly what makes it attractive to play C1.
Idealy I would like to see a server without dualbox at all because you would give back the HUGE value that any sort of support character had back in the day.
I remeber C1 parties in Cruma Tower 1 where there was a full lvl 30-40 party with one buffer keeping everyone going.
Please note that no one that didn't have a HIGH level character yet could afford soulshots at all, let alone top D grade at lvl 20 for example.
It took lots of grinding with your friends / clan mates to get anything. We could hardly clear a Cruma Tower 1 room with a 9 person party (awesome times!)

However this was possible in a world of plenty players and will be idealistic for a reasonably small server.

None the less I think the closer you stay to retail C1 the better chance you have of keeping and getting players that want to play this server BECAUSE it is retail like C1.
For balanced game play and higher skills / levels there is plenty of other servers out there.

A question you should ask yourself is, where does it stop? You 'balance' one thing now and have to 'balance' an other thing later because of that first modification.

Great decision to wipe and rebuild the server, in my opinion.
My advice is to rebuild it now in such a way that you don´t make that many modifications that the die hard old school players (the ones that play for the oldschool feeling and that will stay more then a week or two) don't experience C1 as it was intended.

+1 for you GM, best of luck on building "The World" and thank you for putting so much effort into it, whatever you do I am thankful that there is someone that gives me the opportunity to play oldschool Lineage 2!

QUOTE (Eliina @ Jun 5 2013, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
^^^^ what he said smile.gif

No shots (aside from ng ones) and MUST do the quests biggrin.gif

+1 for this comment and xiangu's!
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#20 Eliina


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 07:12 PM

Just on a side note, there were no Catherocs in Cruma Tower and Portas did not teleport people around smile.gif

Also if I remember correctly, the Orc town did have teleport to Caves of Trial as well and there were teleports to neutral ground from DE and Elf villages.

Maybe I'm wrong, but and mixing it up with the next Chronicle, but I do believe they added some teleports in C1.
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