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L2 world C1 2011
NOTE: Click on the titles to see full album slideshow.

Giran GM PvP Event & Antharas's Abuse
Giovy, Tarok, Maestro, PureWater, RainSinger, AddyRight, Erebus, Rain, Lalika, MissVN, Kiion, JoSeMSa...
And of course: GMJulio & Antharas the Bullier

Party in EG with envyy and Maestro
There is a censored part of this moment XD

L2 Photography
¿Who said Lineage C1 has crappy graphics? Here are some beautifull and artistic screenshots of different locations.

Colliseum Screenshots
Walking around oren territory with my friend Tarok we found the colliseum and tested it a little! =P

Flying Boat
I was climbing the waterfall to take some screenshots when i found the flying boat. O.o

Newbie Path
My first login on the server. And gameplay timeline.

Alexander's Army!
Make sure you see this one! HAHAHAHA!
BTW, those clons was just client side. Dont worry im not a hacker

By: Mandragora
L2 world 08 - 01 - 2013
# Events #

Korean tour 2
Korean tour 3
Korean tour 4
# Clans #

Empire 2
Empire 3

Allstars 2
Allstars 3
Blood angels:

Blood angels 2
Banda Otoñal

Otoño 2
# Single players #

Deathcrush 2
Deathcrush 3
Deathcrush 4
Deathcrush 5

troskro 2

hijodeputa 2
hijodeputa 3
hijodeputa 4
hijodeputa 5
hijodeputa 6
hijodeputa 7
hijodeputa 8
hijodeputa 9
hijodeputa 10
hijodeputa 11
hijodeputa 12
# Groups battles & Wars #

allstars vs Ba 2
allstars vs Ba 3
allstars vs Ba 4
allstars vs Ba 5
allstars vs Ba 6
Raid 2
newbye 2
Lineage C1 II 2013 Events
Massive Pk in cruma L2C1 server
Banda malosos strikes back ! CLAN
Dark Empire Siege ! CLAN
Server promo video