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GM aplication here !

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#1 Lineage2C1-Staff



  • Root Admin
  • PipPipPipPip
  • 1250 posts
  • Location:spain

Posted 18 March 2014 - 02:12 PM

1) User with time to doing at least 2 events per week (minimun)
2) Mature with decent english level (if know vietnameese , russki , spanish , greek etc better)
3) You can enter to moderate or support too
4) Develop skills will be considered aswell
-Webdesing , joomla , IPB , html , php
-C++ knowledge about asemble , compile , reverse enginering , hacking , etc etc
-L2off protocol knowledge , and scripting language
-Client mod skills
5) giveme some personal information like age , gender , occupation , hobby
6) you must have Skype , ICQ to direct communicate with the rest of staff

You will have GM level 5 account you can doing basic commands but in order to get items for price of events you must request to Head gm (madocter)
In other words : you cant have summon privileges so youcant summon items.

Being evil GM can result you kicked from staff and even ingame char.

Current staff:
GMcrystal (support)
  • 0
Languages: english - spanish

Contact Me:........................................|...............Contact xxxxx:
MSN/ICQ: [email protected]...........|.............

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